Function sortedInsert

  • Insert an element into a sorted array using a binary search. The array must already be sorted and will be mutated in-place.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends unknown[]


    • sortedArray: T

      The sorted array to insert into.

    • toInsert: T[number]

      The element to insert.

    • compare: CompareFn<T>

      Function used to determine where to insert, see CompareFn.

    • insertAfterEqual: boolean = true

      Whether to insert after equal elements. Defaults to true.

    Returns T

    The reference to the same sorted array.


    The last parameter insertAfterEqual will determine where to insert when there are equal elements:

    • true(default) e.g [equal, equal, toInsert]
    • false e.g [toInsert, equal, equal] Note that setting this to false will be slower since more elements need to be shifted to the right.


    Basic usage

    [1, 2, 4, 5],
    (item, toInsert) => item - toInsert
    ) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    By default an element is inserted after existing equal elements:

    // 'insert' element will come AFTER existing 'foo'
    [{ n: 0, v: 'foo' }, { n: 9, v: 'bar' }],
    { n: 0, v: 'insert' },
    (item, toInsert) => item.n - toInsert.n
    ) // [{ n: 0, v: 'foo' }, { n: 0, v: 'insert' }, { n: 9, v: 'bar' }]

    Change this by setting insertAfterEqual to false:

    // now 'insert' element will come BEFORE existing 'foo'
    ..., // same as above
    ) // [{ n: 0, v: 'insert' }, { n: 0, v: 'foo' }, { n: 9, v: 'bar' }]

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