Function replaceArray

  • Removes all elements from the target array and inserts new elements in their place. The target array will be mutated in-place.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends unknown[]


    • target: T

      The array to replace.

    • replaceWith: T

      The elements to insert.

    Returns T

    An array containing the elements that were removed.


    Basic usage

    const array = [1, 2]
    const replaceWith = [3, 4]
    const removed = replaceArray(array, replaceWith)
    console.log(array, removed) // [3, 4] , [1, 2]
    // replaceWith is not mutated
    console.log(replaceWith) // [3, 4]

    The replaceWith array can be a different size from the target array.

    // replaceWith is smaller than target
    const array = [1, 2]
    const removed = replaceArray(array, [3])
    console.log(array, removed) // [3] , [1, 2]
    // replaceWith is larger than target
    const array = [1]
    const removed = replaceArray(array, [2, 3])
    console.log(array, removed) // [2, 3] , [1]

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