Function isObject

  • Checks if a value is typeof object and not null or an array.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • value: T

      The value to check.

    Returns value is T extends Function | unknown[]
        ? never
        : T & object

    true if the check passes, false otherwise.


    This function will return false for an array. If you do not want this behavior, use isObjectLoose instead.


    Basic usage

    isObject({}) // true
    isObject([]) // false
    isObject(null) // false

    Type narrowing

    const value: { foo: string } | string[]

    if (isObject(value)) {
    value // type: { foo: string }
    } else {
    value // type: string[]

    // works with function too
    const value: { foo: string } | (() => string)

    if (isObject(value)) {
    value // type: { foo: string } // ok
    } else {
    value // (() => string)
    value() // ok

    Paired with assert

    import { assert } from 'uft'

    const options: { opt: string } | string[]
    assert(isObject(options), 'expected options object')
    options // type: { opt: string }

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