Function createEq

  • Accepts a value and returns a function that will compare against it.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • toCompare: T

      The value to compare against.

    Returns ((value: T) => boolean)

    A function that takes a value and returns the result of a strict equal with toCompare.

      • (value: T): boolean
      • Parameters

        • value: T

        Returns boolean


    This function is useful within React components to keep your code looking clean when a value must be compared against multiple times.


    Basic Usage

    type Props = { status?: 'stale' | 'pending' | 'fulfilled' }

    const Component = (props: React.PropsWithChildren<Props>) => {
    const { status } = props
    const isStatus = createEq(status)

    // no longer need to write `status === '...'` multiple times
    if (isStatus('stale')) {
    return <div>Stale</div>
    if (isStatus('pending')) {
    return <div>Pending</div>
    if (isStatus('fulfilled')) {
    return <div>Fulfilled</div>
    return null

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